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Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2022159, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507430


ABSTRACT Objective: To report a pediatric case of drug-induced thrombotic microangiopathy caused by cocaine Case description: We report a nine-month-old patient who developed thrombotic microangiopathies after extreme cocaine intoxication, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome with hemodynamic dysfunction, anuric renal failure, liver failure, encephalopathy, and myocardial injury, corresponding phenotypically to thrombocytopenia-associated multiple organ failure. The patient received continuous venous hemofiltration and therapeutic plasma exchange, recovering satisfactorily. She was discharged after 30 days of hospitalization under the guidance of the childcare service, and was healthy after one year of follow-up. Toxicological samples confirmed high levels of cocaine and derivatives in blood, urine and hair. Comments: To our knowledge, this is the first reported pediatric case. There are particularities of cocaine intoxication pathophysiology that can trigger thrombotic microangiopathies because of vasoconstriction, direct endothelial injury, platelet activation, and increasing von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen levels. All of which results in a prothrombotic state, inflammatory dysregulation, and microvascular thrombi. The increasing use of cocaine, especially among young adults, puts children at high risk of toxicity, either by passive unintentional exposure, or abuse due to the increased availability in homes.

RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar um caso pediátrico de microangiopatia trombótica induzida por drogas causada por cocaína Descrição do caso: Relatamos uma paciente de nove meses de idade que desenvolveu microangiopatia trombótica após intoxicação extrema por cocaína, síndrome de disfunção de múltiplos órgãos com disfunção hemodinâmica, insuficiência renal anúrica, insuficiência hepática, encefalopatia e lesão miocárdica, correspondendo fenotipicamente à falência múltipla de órgãos associada à trombocitopenia. A paciente recebeu hemofiltração venosa contínua e plasmaférese terapêutica, recuperando-se satisfatoriamente. Recebeu alta após 30 dias de internação sob orientação do serviço de puericultura e estava saudável após um ano de seguimento. Amostras toxicológicas confirmaram altos níveis de cocaína e derivados no sangue, urina e cabelos. Comentários: Até onde sabemos, este é o primeiro caso pediátrico relatado. Existem particularidades da fisiopatologia da intoxicação por cocaína que podem desencadear a microangiopatia trombótica devido à vasoconstrição, lesão endotelial direta, ativação plaquetária e aumento do fator de von Willebrand e dos níveis de fibrinogênio. Tudo isso resulta em um estado pró-trombótico, desregulação inflamatória e trombos microvasculares. O uso crescente de cocaína, principalmente entre adultos jovens, coloca as crianças em alto risco de toxicidade, seja por exposição passiva não intencional ou abuso devido à maior disponibilidade nas residências.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(5): e202202900, oct. 2023. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1509526


Introducción. El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas ilegales en el embarazo constituye un problema creciente. En pocas maternidades latinoamericanas se aplica una estrategia de detección y los datos publicados son escasos. Objetivos. Comparar dos quinquenios de resultados de una estrategia de detección de sustancias psicoactivas ilegales implementada en el posparto. Población y métodos. Estudio de corte transversal. Detección por inmunoensayo en orinas de binomios madre-hijo/a, en un hospital público argentino entre 2009 y 2018. Resultados. En 76/191 binomios se detectaron sustancias en 10 años. El criterio de detección más frecuente fue la comunicación o antecedente de uso de drogas: 25/37 y 32/39 en cada quinquenio. Predominaron cannabis (21/37 y 26/39) y cocaína (19/37 y 16/39) en ambos períodos. No hubo diferencias en datos demográficos, ginecológicos, del embarazo ni neonatales en los quinquenios comparados. Conclusiones. No se encontraron diferencias en la frecuencia ni en el tipo de sustancias detectadas a lo largo de 10 años.

Introduction. The use of illicit psychoactive substances during pregnancy is a growing problem. Few Latin American maternity centers implement a screening strategy, and published data are scarce. Objectives. To compare the outcomes of 2 five-year periods of a postpartum strategy to screen for illicit psychoactive drugs. Population and methods. This was a cross-sectional study. Immunoassay detection in urine of mothernewborn infant dyads in an Argentine public hospital between 2009 and 2018. Results. Substances were detected in 76/191 dyads over 10 years. The most frequent detection criterion was reporting or history of drug use: 25/37 and 32/39 in each five-year period. Cannabis (21/37 and 26/39) and cocaine (19/37 and 16/39) predominated in both periods. No differences were observed in demographic, gynecological, pregnancy, or neonatal data between both five-year periods. Conclusions. No differences were found in the frequency or type of substances detected over 10 years

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Illicit Drugs , Substance-Related Disorders/diagnosis , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Central Nervous System Agents , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mothers
Rev. polis psique ; 12(3): 213-236, 2023-04-13.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1517522


Neste manuscrito, apresentamos uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi o de compreender como vem sendo produzidas as práticas de cuidado às gestantes usuárias de crack nos serviços de saúde de um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Este estudo de abordagem qualitativa, foi realizado junto a dois serviços públicos, o Programa de Redução de Danos (PRD) e o Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas (CAPSad III), com cinco mulheres voluntárias para a pesquisa. As histórias de vida foram reconstruídas a partir de suas narrativas e também de profissionais da saúde que proveram algum tipo de cuidado às participantes. Após a exposição das histórias, refletimos sobre três pistas importantes para pensarmos as práticas de cuidado às gestantes usuárias de crack: saúde mental, uso de drogas e interseccionalidade; direitos humanos, hierarquias reprodutivas e concepções de maternidade; e as práticas de cuidado em saúde. Observamos que as concepções dos profissionais acerca da maternidade direcionam as práticas de cuidado em saúde, caracterizando-se como um cuidado no espectro da saúde materno-infantil, e não um cuidado direcionado à saúde da mulher. Conhecer as demandas de cuidado dessas mulheres é essencial para que possamos pensar em práticas de saúde pautadas pela clínica ampliada. (AU)

In this manuscript, we present a research whose objective was to understand how the practicesof care to the pregnant women users of crack have been being produced in the services of health in a town of Rio Grande do Sul. This study of qualitative approach it was developed jointly to two public services, the Program of Reduction of Harms (PRH) andPsychosocial Care Centers Alcohol and other Drugs (CAPSad), with five voluntary women for the research. The life histories were rebuilt starting from their narratives and also of health's professionals that provided some care to the participants.After exposing the stories, we reflected on three important clues to think about care practices for pregnant women who use crack: mental health, drug use and intersectionality; human rights, reproductive hierarchies and conceptions of motherhood; and health care practices. We observed that the professionals' conceptions about maternity guide health care practices, characterized as care in the spectrum of maternal and child health, and not care directed at women's health.Knowing the care demands of these women is essential for us to think about health practices guided by the expanded clinic. (AU)

En este manuscrito presentamos una investigación cuyoobjetivo fue comprender cómo se ha producidolas prácticas de atención a las embarazadas usuarias de crack en los servicios de salud de una ciudad del interior de Rio Grande do Sul. Este estudio cualitativo se realizó con dos servicios públicos, el Programa de Reducción de Daños (PRD) y el Centro de Atención Psicosocial de Alcohol y Otras Drogas (CAPSad III), con cinco mujeres voluntarias para la investigación. Las historias de vida fueron reconstruidas a partir de sus narrativas y también de profesionalesde la salud que brindaron algún tipo de atención a los participantes. Luego de exponer las historias, reflexionamos sobre tres claves importantes para pensar en las prácticas de cuidado de las embarazadas que consumen crack: salud mental, consumo de drogas y interseccionalidad; derechos humanos, jerarquías reproductivas y concepciones de la maternidad; y prácticas de atención de la salud.Observamos que las concepciones de los profesionales sobre la maternidad orientan las prácticas de atención de la salud, caracterizadas como cuidados en el espectro de la salud maternoinfantil, y no cuidados dirigidos a la salud de la mujer. Conocer las demandas de atención de estas mujeres es fundamental para que pensemos en las prácticas de salud guiadas por la clínica ampliada. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Crack Cocaine , Cocaine-Related Disorders/psychology , Pregnant Women/psychology , Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Qualitative Research
Medisan ; 27(2)abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440582


Algunas situaciones ponen en riesgo a Cuba en cuanto al uso de drogas, entre ellas el aumento del turismo, las relaciones con países que poseen altas tasas de consumo, la ubicación geográfica en corredores de narcotraficantes y la alta prevalencia de drogas porteras. Al respecto, el Sistema Nacional de Salud debe estar preparado para la prevención del problema y la atención a los afectados, de manera que resulta necesario mantener una información actualizada sobre los factores de riesgo y los principales productos utilizados por los consumidores. En la presente revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema se busca llamar la atención de los trabajadores de la salud en tal sentido, se ofrecen datos sobre la magnitud del problema y se abordan elementos de sus antecedentes, así como de la clasificación de las drogas, los factores de riesgo asociados a su consumo y las bases jurídicas para su control en Cuba.

Some situations put Cuba at risk for drug use, such as an increase in tourism, relations with countries that have high rates of substance abuse, the geographic location in drug trafficking corridors, and the high prevalence of "opening doors" drugs. In this regard, the National Health System must be prepared to prevent the problem and care for those affected, so it is necessary to maintain updated information on risk factors and main products used by consumers. In the present literature review on the subject, it is sought to draw the attention of health workers to this point, data on the magnitude of the problem and elements of its background are offered, as well as drug classification, the risk factors associated with its use and the legal bases for its control in Cuba.

Illicit Drugs , Substance-Related Disorders , Drug Users , Cannabis , Risk Factors , Cocaine , Cuba , Amphetamine , Methamphetamine
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1430762


La autopsia médico legal en Costa Rica, en casos sospechosos de intoxicación por cocaetileno se debe realizar bajo las normas establecidas en la Guía de estándares de trabajo para la Sección de Patología Forense del Departamento de Medicina Legal. El análisis del mecanismo fisiopatológico de cómo estas sustancias provocan alteraciones en el organismo que pueden conllevar a un eventual fallecimiento corresponde a parte del análisis requerido en la investigación ante la sospecha de esta causa de muerte. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este artículo es describir los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que ocurren durante el consumo combinado de cocaína y etanol, los mecanismos que conllevan a la muerte de personas consumidoras de estas sustancias y las consideraciones médico legales a tomar en cuenta para el diagnóstico de esta causa de muerte. Se realizó revisión de artículos científicos, sobre los efectos del uso combinado de la cocaína y el etanol. La literatura describe que el uso combinado de cocaína y etanol potencia los efectos farmacocinéticos y bioquímicos de cada una de estas sustancias, que su derivado, el cocaetileno, es capaz de generar por sí mismo los mecanismos causantes de la muerte. Que los principales mecanismos fisiopatológicos que conllevan la muerte ante el uso combinado de estas sustancias son de origen cardiovascular y hepático. Como consideraciones médico legales a tomar en cuenta para el diagnóstico de esta manera de muerte accidental, en la Sección de Toxicología del Departamento de Ciencias Forenses de Costa Rica, la cuantificación del cocaetileno y las sustancias relacionadas no se realiza, aunque se encuentra actualmente en el desarrollo de un proyecto para la determinación de la estabilidad de las drogas en sangre bajo las condiciones de almacenamiento, con el fin de ofrecer la posibilidad de cuantificar ciertas drogas (en donde se podría incluir el cocaetileno) en un futuro próximo.

Medical-legal autopsy in Costa Rica, in suspected cases of cocaethylene poisoning must be performed under the regulations established in the Work Standards Guide for the Forensic Pathology Section of the Department of Legal Medicine. The analysis of the pathophysiological mechanism of how these substances cause alterations in the organism that can lead to eventual death corresponds to part of the analysis required in the investigation when this cause of death is suspected. Therefore, the objective of this article is to describe the pathophysiological mechanisms that occur during the combined consumption of cocaine and ethanol, the mechanisms that lead to the death of people who consume these substances, and the medico-legal considerations to be considered for the diagnosis. of this cause of death. A review of scientific articles was carried out on the effects of the combined use of cocaine and ethanol. The literature describes that the combined use of cocaine and ethanol enhances the pharmacokinetic and biochemical effects of each one of these substances, that its derivative, cocaethylene, can generate the mechanisms that cause death by itself. That the main pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to death in the combined use of these substances are of cardiovascular and hepatic origin. As legal medical considerations to take into account for the diagnosis of this type of accidental death, in the Toxicology Section of the Department of Forensic Sciences of Costa Rica, the quantification of cocaethylene and related substances is not carried out, although it is currently in the development of a project for the determination of the stability of drugs in blood under storage conditions, in order to offer the possibility of quantifying certain drugs (which could include cocaethylene) in the near future.

Humans , Cause of Death , Cocaine/adverse effects , Ethanol/analysis , Poisoning
Med. U.P.B ; 42(1)ene.-jun. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1416213


La cocaína es una de las sustancias ilegales más consumidas y Colombia no es la ex­cepción. Dentro de las sustancias ilegales es la segunda más consumida después del cannabis. Por su mecanismo mismo de acción, que produce aumento de aminas bióge­nas, se han asociado con la cocaína diferentes riesgos, tanto agudos como crónicos, y dentro de sus complicaciones se han descrito cambios comportamentales, compromiso cardiovascular y neurológico. La coingesta de cocaína y alcohol da lugar a un metabolito conocido como cocaetileno, que lleva a complicaciones cardiovasculares. Poco se ha descrito sobre el riesgo de la cocaína o la coingesta cocaína y alcohol, como un factor sumatorio, para la pancreatitis. Reportamos tres pacientes jóvenes consumidores del alcaloide que desarrollaron pancreatitis aguda, dos de ellos murieron. El objetivo de este reporte es sensibilizar a los trabajadores de la salud sobre otro riesgo para considerar en los pacientes consumidores de cocaína.

Cocaine is one of the most consumed illegal substances and Colombia is no exception. It is the second most consumed among the illegal substances after cannabis. Due to its very mechanism of action, which produces an increase in biogenic amines, different risks, both acute and chronic, have been associated with cocaine, and among its complications, behavioral changes, cardiovascular and neurological compromise have been described. The co-ingestion of cocaine and alcohol gives rise to a metabolite known as cocaethylene, which leads to cardiovascular complications. Little has been described about the risk of cocaine or cocaine and alcohol co-ingestion, as a summative factor, for pancreatitis. We report three young patients consuming the alkaloid who developed acute pancreatitis, two of whom died. The objective of this report is to sensitize health workers about another risk to consider in cocaine-consuming patients.

A cocaína é uma das substâncias ilícitas mais consumidas e a Colômbia não é exceção. Dentro das substâncias ilícitas é a segunda mais consumida depois da maconha. Devido ao seu próprio mecanismo de ação, que produz aumento de aminas biogênicas, diversos riscos, tanto agudos quanto crônicos, têm sido associados à cocaína e, entre suas complicações, têm sido descritas alterações comportamentais, comprometimento cardiovascular e neurológico. A co-ingestão de cocaína e álcool dá origem a um metabólito conhecido como cocaetileno, que leva a complicações cardiovasculares. Pouco tem sido descrito sobre o risco da co-ingestão de cocaína ou cocaína e álcool, como fator somativo, para pancreatite. Relatamos 3 pacientes jovens consumindo o alcalóide que desenvolveram pancreatite aguda, dois dos quais morreram. O objetivo deste relatório é sensibilizar os profissionais de saúde sobre outro risco a ser considerado em pacientes consumidores de cocaína.

Humans , Cocaine , Pancreatitis , Alkaloids
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 45: e20210401, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442238


Abstract Introduction High rates of early hospital discharge are often observed in crack cocaine users and are related to adverse outcomes and increased public spending. This study evaluated clinical and sociodemographic factors associated with early treatment discharge among crack users. Methods The sample comprised 308 men diagnosed with crack cocaine use disorder (crack only), aged 18 to 65 years, admitted between 2013 and 2017 to a male-only hospital unit to treat substance use disorders. Sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained using the Addiction Severity Index, 6th version, and a Sociodemographic Questionnaire. Results Early discharge (within 7 days) was significantly associated with lack of own income, insufficient family support, being single, and recent homelessness. Regarding drug use, lower treatment retention was related to younger age of crack use onset, recent alcohol use, and nicotine use. Factors such as age, skin color, and educational level showed no relation to the outcome. Conclusion Our findings suggest that presence of characteristics verifiable at the time of admission may be related to crack users' treatment retention. Identification of these factors can contribute to target interventions in order to improve treatment adherence in crack cocaine users.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442240


Abstract In much of the West, including Brazil, drug use has increased since social distancing began in response to the pandemic. Use of smoked and modified drugs, and their impacts on health, may contribute to aggravate the effects of the pandemic. However, studies on the relationship between use of smoked drugs and the new coronavirus are still scarce and have not received enough attention in global health recommendations. This paper aims to briefly review the relationship between use of smoked drugs and acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]. Recent studies also suggest that drug consumption increases the risk of contamination by SARS-CoV-2 and leads to worse prognosis, particularly consumption of drugs that affect lung function. Use of smoked drugs, especially tobacco, is strongly associated with lung diseases that are risk factors for contamination by SARS-CoV-2. It is essential to develop strategies based on specific characteristics of drug users and for mental health professionals to be included in strategic teams. It is also necessary to invest in information campaigns regarding risks and prevention of harm caused by smoked drugs as well as to design strategies that facilitate access to psychosocial treatment during the pandemic.

J. bras. pneumol ; 49(5): e20230274, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521125


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare lung function between adolescents with and without substance use disorder (SUD). Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional exploratory study. The sample consisted of 16 adolescents with SUD and 24 age-matched healthy controls. The adolescents in the clinical group were recruited from a psychiatric inpatient unit for detoxification and rehabilitation; their primary diagnosis was SUD related to marijuana, cocaine, or polysubstance use. Questionnaires and pulmonary function tests were applied for clinical evaluation. Results: We found that FVC, FEV1, and their percentages of the predicted values were significantly lower in the adolescents with SUD than in those without. Those differences remained significant after adjustment for BMI and the effects of high levels of physical activity. The largest effect size (Cohen's d = 1.82) was found for FVC as a percentage of the predicted value (FVC%), which was, on average, 17.95% lower in the SUD group. In addition, the years of regular use of smoked substances (tobacco, marijuana, and crack cocaine) correlated negatively with the FVC%. Conclusions: This exploratory study is innovative in that it demonstrates the early consequences of smoked substance use for the lung health of adolescents with SUD.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a função pulmonar de adolescentes com e sem transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias (TUS). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório transversal observacional. A amostra foi composta por 16 adolescentes com TUS e 24 controles saudáveis emparelhados pela idade. Os adolescentes do grupo clínico foram recrutados em uma unidade de internação psiquiátrica para desintoxicação e reabilitação; seu diagnóstico primário era o de TUS (maconha, cocaína ou polissubstâncias). Foram aplicados questionários e testes de função pulmonar para a avaliação clínica. Resultados: A CVF, o VEF1 e seus valores em porcentagem do previsto foram significativamente mais baixos nos adolescentes com TUS do que naqueles sem TUS. Essas diferenças permaneceram significativas após os ajustes para levar em conta o IMC e os efeitos de altos níveis de atividade física. O maior tamanho de efeito (d de Cohen = 1,82) foi o observado em relação à CVF em porcentagem do previsto (CVF%), que foi, em média, 17,95% menor no grupo TUS. Além disso, os anos de uso regular de substâncias fumadas (tabaco, maconha e crack) correlacionaram-se negativamente com a CVF%. Conclusões: Este estudo exploratório é inovador na medida em que demonstra as consequências precoces do uso de substâncias fumadas para a saúde pulmonar de adolescentes com TUS.

Biol. Res ; 562023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513737


Background Mechanoreceptor activation modulates GABA neuron firing and dopamine (DA) release in the mesolimbic DA system, an area implicated in reward and substance abuse. The lateral habenula (LHb), the lateral hypothalamus (LH), and the mesolimbic DA system are not only reciprocally connected, but also involved in drug reward. We explored the effects of mechanical stimulation (MS) on cocaine addiction-like behaviors and the role of the LH-LHb circuit in the MS effects. MS was performed over ulnar nerve and the effects were evaluated by using drug seeking behaviors, optogenetics, chemogenetics, electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry. Results Mechanical stimulation attenuated locomotor activity in a nerve-dependent manner and 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) and DA release in nucleus accumbens (NAc) following cocaine injection. The MS effects were ablated by electrolytic lesion or optogenetic inhibition of LHb. Optogenetic activation of LHb suppressed cocaine-enhanced 50 kHz USVs and locomotion. MS reversed cocaine suppression of neuronal activity of LHb. MS also inhibited cocaine-primed reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior, which was blocked by chemogenetic inhibition of an LH-LHb circuit. Conclusion These findings suggest that peripheral mechanical stimulation activates LH-LHb pathways to attenuate cocaine-induced psychomotor responses and seeking behaviors.

Braz. dent. sci ; 26(4): 1-4, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1511769


The forthcoming letter will encompass the following highlights: Crack cocaine use involves smoking a highly addictive form of cocaine, which is a significant concern in Brazil, particularly in urban areas. This addiction is linked to various health problems, including cardiovascular issues, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like AIDS and syphilis, tuberculosis, and a notable increase in mortality, largely due to violent causes. Furthermore, crack cocaine users are particularly vulnerable to dental caries, gingival inflammation, oral mucosa lesions, and xerostomia (AU)

A próxima carta incluirá os seguintes destaques: O uso de crack envolve fumar uma forma altamente viciante da cocaína, o que é uma preocupação significativa no Brasil, especialmente em áreas urbanas. Esta dependência está ligada a vários problemas de saúde, incluindo problemas cardiovasculares, infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST), como a AIDS e a sífilis, a tuberculose e um aumento notável da mortalidade, devido, em grande parte, a causas violentas. Além disso, os usuários de crack são particularmente vulneráveis a cáries dentárias, inflamação gengival, lesões na mucosa oral e xerostomia (AU)

Quality of Life , Body Fluids , Biomarkers , Oral Health , Crack Cocaine
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 45: e20220567, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509228


Abstract Introduction Consumption of substances has been associated with cognitive impairment. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is an easy-to-apply screening tool used to assess cognitive functions. Objectives To evaluate the cognitive performance of individuals with alcohol (AUD) and/or crack cocaine use disorder (CUD) and polysubstance use using the MMSE and to investigate the impact of substance use profile and the moderation effect of educational level on MMSE performance. Methods Cross-sectional study with 508 adult male inpatients diagnosed with substance use disorders (245 with AUD, 85 with CUD, and 178 with polysubstance use). Cognitive performance was assessed using the MMSE scale (total and composite scores). Results Individuals with AUD had worse total MMSE scores and scored worse for all three MMSE components compared to individuals with polysubstance use (p < 0.001, oral/written language comprehension, p < 0.001, attention/memory, and p = 0.007, motor functions). MMSE scores were positively correlated with educational level (p < 0.017), but were not associated with age, recent drug use, or years of drug use. Educational level moderated the impact of substance use on MMSE performance, especially total score and composite language comprehension score. Individuals with a low educational level (≤ 8 years) had worse performance than those with a high educational level (≥ 9 years), mainly in individuals with AUD (p < 0.001). Discussion Individuals with a low educational level and alcohol use are more prone to present cognitive impairment than crack cocaine users, especially involving language aspects. Better-preserved cognitive function could impact treatment adherence and might guide the decision of therapeutic strategies.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431730


Introducción: La cocaína es una de las sustancias psicoactivas más consumidas mundialmente. Es altamente adictiva y puede producir cuadros graves por su consumo, esporádico o habitual o, por su abstinencia, a nivel sistémico y neurológico. La exposición aguda a esta sustancia desencadena manifestaciones psiquiátricas inmediatas, como cambios en el afecto o conducta: sensación de irritabilidad, hiperactividad, ansiedad, desasosiego, euforia o psicosis. Esta sintomatología contrasta con inducción en ciertos casos de depresión, aislamiento o tristeza con la cronificación en su consumo. Además de los diversos efectos sensoperceptuales descritos, la sustancia puede generar daños neurológicos y/o cardiovasculares graves, como trastornos del ritmo cardíaco, arritmias malignas, emergencias hipertensivas, síndromes coronarios y enfermedades cerebrovasculares. Métodos: Presentamos el caso de un paciente quien ingresó al Hospital Universitario del Valle, en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, departamento del Valle del Cauca, en Colombia, por un cuadro neurológico que permitía sospechar origen central. Este paciente no tenía factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, pero sí antecedentes de síndrome de Guillain Barré y de consumo de cocaína desde su adolescencia. Resultados: Al mencionado paciente se le realizaron múltiples estudios, destacándose los imagenológicos (tomografía, resonancia y angiorresonancia magnética de cerebro) y la estrategia invasiva de angiografía cerebral, en la cual logró documentarse que las manifestaciones neurológicas del paciente obedecían a una enfermedad cerebrovascular hemorrágica severa secundaria al consumo de cocaína. Conclusiones: Siempre indagar en pacientes con sangrados intraparenquimatosos el consumo de psicoactivos, en especial la cocaína, por su efecto lesivo sobre la vasculatura cerebral.

Introduction: Cocaine is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances worldwide. It is highly addictive and can produce serious systemic and neurological symptoms due to sporadic or habitual use or withdrawal. Acute exposure to this substance triggers immediate psychiatric manifestations such as changes in affect or behavior: feelings of irritability, hyperactivity, anxiety, restlessness, euphoria or psychosis; this symptomatology contrasts with induction in certain cases of depression, isolation or sadness with the chronification of its consumption. In addition to the various sensory-perceptual effects described, the substance can cause serious neurological and/or cardiovascular damage, such as heart rhythm disorders, malignant arrhythmias, hypertensive emergencies, coronary syndromes and cerebrovascular diseases. Methods: We present the case of a patient who was admitted to the Hospital Universitario del Valle, in the city of Santiago de Cali, department of Valle del Cauca, in Colombia, for a neurological condition that suggested a central origin. This patient had no cardiovascular risk factors, but had a history of Guillain Barré syndrome and cocaine use since adolescence. Results: The aforementioned patient underwent multiple studies, highlighting the imaging studies (CT, MRI and MRA of the brain) and the invasive strategy of cerebral angiography, in which it was possible to document that the patient's neurological manifestations were due to severe hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease secondary to cocaine consumption. Conclusions: Always inquire in patients with intraparenchymal bleeds the consumption of psychoactives, especially cocaine, for its injurious effects on the cerebral vasculature.

J. appl. oral sci ; 31: e20220480, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440419


Abstract The use of cocaine and its main derivative, crack, can cause some systemic effects that may lead to the development of some oral disorders. Objective To assess the oral health of people with a crack cocaine use disorder and identify salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders. Methodology A total of 40 volunteers hospitalized for rehabilitation for crack cocaine addiction were enrolled; nine were randomly selected for proteomic analysis. Intraoral examination, report of DMFT, gingival and plaque index, xerostomia, and non-stimulated saliva collection were performed. A list of proteins identified was generated from the UniProt database and manually revised. Results The mean age (n=40) was 32 (±8.88; 18-51) years; the mean DMFT index was 16±7.70; the mean plaque and gingival index were 2.07±0.65 and 2.12±0.64, respectively; and 20 (50%) volunteers reported xerostomia. We identified 305 salivary proteins (n=9), of which 23 were classified as candidate for biomarkers associated with 14 oral disorders. The highest number of candidates for biomarkers was associated with carcinoma of head and neck (n=7) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (n=7), followed by periodontitis (n=6). Conclusions People with a crack cocaine use disorder had an increased risk of dental caries and gingival inflammation; less than half had oral mucosal alterations, and half experienced xerostomia. As possible biomarkers for 14 oral disorders, 23 salivary proteins were identified. Oral cancer and periodontal disease were the most often associated disorders with biomarkers.

Rev. med. Risaralda ; 28(2): 177-186, jul.-dic. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424173


Resumen El levamisol es un antiparasitario de uso veterinario que actualmente es empleado para aumentar el volumen y la potencia de la cocaína. La mezcla de estas dos sustancias puede causar un cuadro caracterizado por lesiones propias de la cocaína, como la afección del cartílago septal con perforación del tabique nasal, y vasculitis cutánea de pequeños vasos con afectación de los pabellones auriculares y del cartílago nasal, afección conocida como vasculitis inducida por cocaína-levamisol (VICOL) que puede avanzar a necrosis e incluso ulceraciones cutáneas, asociadas a agranulocitosis, artralgias y glomerulonefritis . En el presente artículo se describe el caso de un paciente con historia de consumo de sustancias en quien se encontraron lesiones purpúricas palpables en miembros superiores, tronco, pabellones auriculares y miembros inferiores. Se consideró una clínica sugestiva de VICOL dado el antecedente de consumo de sustancias. En el proceso diagnóstico se descartaron entidades como la vasculitis por anticuerpos contra el citoplasma de los neutrófilos (ANCAs) y crioglobulinemia, entre otras posibles afecciones. Se llevó a cabo un tratamiento con esteroides y con ello presentó una respuesta adecuada, pero luego recurrieron los síntomas, particularmente abdominales, los cuales se consideraron asociados con vasculitis. Se le brindó manejo adicional con ciclofosfamida y nuevos pulsos de esteroides, con que se logró el control total de los síntomas. A través este caso se resaltan entonces los ejercicios diagnósticos y clínicos en la vasculitis cocaína- levamisol, y se sugiere la consideración de los síntomas abdominales como posible componente del cuadro vasculítico.

Abstract Levamisole is an antiparasitic agent for veterinary use. Currently it is used to increase the volume and potency of cocaine. Levamisole and cocaine combined result in the septum nasal perforation and small-vessel vasculitis in the ears and nasal cartilage. These findings are known as cocaine levamisole-induced vasculitis and can progress to necrosis and even skin ulceration, which is associated with agranulocytosis, arthralgia, and glomerulonephritis. This article describes the case of a patient with a history of substance abuse in whom palpable purpuric lesions were found in the upper and lower limbs, trunk, and ears. A clinical condition suggestive of vasculitis induced by cocaine-levamisole was considered, given the history of substance consumption. In the diagnostic process, entities such as Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodiy (ANCA) vasculitis and cryoglobulinemia, among other possible conditions, were ruled out. Steroid treatment was carried out, to which the patient had an adequate response, but then symptoms recurred, particularly abdominal, which were associated with vasculitis. Additional management with cyclophosphamide and new steroid pulses were provided, and with those symptom control was achieved. In this case report highlights the diagnostic and clinical exercises in cocaine levamisole vasculitis and is suggested the consideration of abdominal symptoms as a possible component of the vasculitis flare.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 44(5): 478-485, Sept.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403773


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate whether progression from first drug use to crack-cocaine use differs according to gender, and whether the report of sexual or physical violence impacts the time of progression. Methods: We interviewed 896 crack-cocaine users (548 men; 348 women) from addiction treatment units. Cox regression models evaluated the time of progression from first drug use to crack use. We analyzed gender differences according to the absence or presence of sexual or physical violence, also considering whether violence, when present, had occurred before or after the onset of crack use. Results: Women presented a faster progression to crack use regardless of exposure to sexual or physical violence (p < 0.05). Compared to unexposed men, there was a similar progression for men exposed to sexual or physical violence before the first use of crack (p = 0.167 and p = 0.393, respectively). In both genders, we observed a faster progression among individuals exposed to these types of violence after the onset of crack use (p < 0.01). Conclusions: We found a faster progression to crack use among women and among individuals exposed to sexual and physical violence after the onset of crack use. These results encourage differentiated treatment strategies, focused on gender and individual characteristics.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 44(4): 416-419, July-Aug. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394065


Objective: To compare the prevalence and subtypes of childhood maltreatment (CM) between individuals with and without substance use disorder (SUD) and investigate the influence of different traumas on the preferential use of substances and the severity of dependence. Methods: The sample consisted of 1,040 men with SUD (alcohol users [n=315], crack-cocaine users [n=406], multiple-substance users [n=319]) and 201 controls. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and the Addiction Severity Index-6 (ASI-6) were used to assess CM and drug-use patterns. Results: Individuals with SUD had a higher prevalence of CM than controls (63.4 vs. 28.1%, respectively). Exposure to physical trauma was associated with alcohol use disorder and severity of alcohol use. In contrast, emotional trauma was associated with use of multiple substances and severity of drug use in crack-cocaine users. Conclusions: This study corroborates the association of CM with SUD susceptibility. Our results suggest that the type of CM may influence preferential substance use and addiction severity. In this sense, physical traumas are more associated with alcohol use, while emotional and sexual traumas favor use of multiple drugs, especially crack cocaine. These findings may help the development of tailored prevention and intervention strategies.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 44(4): 441-448, July-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394079


Objective: This study reviewed and analyzed the prevalence of suicidal behaviors among cocaine users who sought health services. Methods: This is a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies published until January 2021. PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Embase, PsycINFO, and LILACS were searched. The inclusion criteria were observational (retrospective or prospective), case-control, and/or cross-sectional reports that contained samples of cocaine users aged over 14 years who were assessed in health facilities or were in treatment. The random-effects model was used to calculate the overall prevalence of suicidal behavior with a 95% confidence interval. Subgroup analysis was conducted to investigate sources of heterogeneity. Results: Twenty articles were included, yielding a total of 2,252 cocaine users. The estimated prevalence was 43.59% (95%CI 31.10-57.38) for suicidal ideation and 27.71% (95%CI 21.63-34.73) for suicide attempts. High heterogeneity was found between studies for both outcomes (I2 ≥ 93%), although subgroup analysis considering the quality of the studies showed a significant difference in suicide attempts (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Cocaine use can be considered a risk factor for suicidal behavior, and prevention and early screening measures should be implemented to facilitate adequate treatment.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(4): 633-641, July-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394149


Abstract Introduction: Cocaine is one of the most often used psychoactive drugs worldwide, being extracted from the leaves of Erytroxylus coca plant. Its abusive use can trigger several consequences for the human body, including the oral cavity. Objective: To identify the oral disorders that are most commonly found in individuals who abuse cocaine, in addition to the main diagnostic and treatment methods. Methods: An integrative review was carried out on the databases: LILACS, BBO, LIS, MEDLINE, SciELO, Science Direct and PubMed. The following keywords were used: ‟Cocaína", ‟Boca", ‟Palato" and ‟Odontologia", together with their synonyms and variations in English, obtained from DeCS andMeSH. The inclusion criteria were original articles, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, studies involving individuals, without restriction related to the year of publication. Animal studies, literature reviews, book chapters, theses and dissertations were excluded. Results: In total, 1373 records were identified. Of these, 22 articles were selected to comprise the review. Several oral alterations caused by cocaine abuse were found, primarily perforation of the palate, predisposition to periodontal diseases, temporomandibular disorders, bruxism, damage to oral tissues, dental caries, destructive lesions of the facial midline, xerostomia and ageusia. Among the diagnostic methods used by the professionals, anamnesis, intraoral examinations and head and neck computed tomography were the most frequently mentioned. As for treatment, in patients with palatal perforation, the reconstruction of the affected area or the use of prosthetic obturators is carried out. Conclusion: The management of these patients is not an easy task, as many of the users do not even seek professional help. The health professionals must be able to recognize these manifestations and alterations to establish timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. © 2021 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( HIGHLIGHTS Integrative review aiming to detect oral changes in cocaine abusers. The main oral changes, methods of diagnosis and treatment were identified. Good anamnesis and qualified health professionals are necessary.

Resumo Introdução: A cocaína é uma das drogas psicoativas mais usadas no mundo, é extraída das folhas da Erytroxylus coca. Seu uso abusivo pode desencadear inúmeras consequências para o corpo humano, inclusive na cavidade oral. Objetivo: Identificar quais as alterações orais mais comumente encontradas nos indivíduos que fazem uso abusivo de cocaína, além das principais formas de diagnóstico e tratamento. Método: Fez-se uma revisão integrativa nas bases de dados Lilacs, BBO, LIS, Medline, Sci-ELO, Science Direct e PubMed. Foram usados os descritores ‟cocaína", ‟boca", ‟palato" e ‟odontologia" junto de seus sinônimos e variações em inglês, retirados do DeCS e MeSH. Os critérios de inclusão foram artigos originais, artigos nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, estudos que envolveram pessoas e sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação. Foram excluídos estudos feitos em animais, revisões da literatura, capítulos de livros, teses e dissertações. Resultados: Foram identificados 1.373 registros. Desses, 22 artigos foram selecionados para compor a revisão. Diversas alterações orais causadas por uso abusivo de cocaína foram encontradas. As principais foram perfuração do palato, predisposição para doenças periodontais, desordens temporomandibulares, bruxismo, danos aos tecidos orais, cárie dentária, lesões destrutivas da linha média facial, xerostomia e ageusia. Entre as formas de diagnóstico usadas pelos profissionais, a anamnese, exames físicos intraorais e a tomografia computadorizada da região da cabeça e pescoço foram as mais mencionadas. Como tratamento, nos pacientes com perfuração palatina, é feita a reconstrução da área afetada ou o uso de obturadores protéticos. Conclusão: O manejo desses pacientes não é tarefa fácil, pois muitos usuários sequer procuram ajuda profissional. Os profissionais da saúde devem ser capazes de reconhecer tais alterações e manifestações para que sejam feitos diagnósticos e planejamentos de tratamentos oportunos e precisos. DESTAQUES Revisão integrativa que visa detectar alterações orais em usuários de cocaína. Identificaram-se as principais manifestações orais, formas de diagnóstico e tratamento. Necessidade da feitura de boa anamnese e profissionais da saúde capacitados.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(6): 2407-2416, jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374996


Resumo Objetivou-se comparar características sociodemográficas, padrões de consumo de substâncias, comportamento sexual, utilização de serviços de saúde e envolvimento criminal de usuários, domiciliados e em situação de rua. Dados secundários do Inquérito Nacional sobre Uso do Crack, utilizando análise discriminante e de correspondência para comparar características dos usuários segundo condição de moradia. O modelo final de regressão logística evidenciou associações entre "situação de rua" e ser do sexo feminino, trabalho descontínuo, consumo de tabaco e "oxi" nos últimos 30 dias, uso de serviços de alimentação gratuita, baixo acesso a tratamento e frequentes detenções no último ano. Na análise de correspondência observou-se proximidade no espaço analítico de "troca de sexo por drogas", "trabalho informal", "idade" >31 anos, "baixo acesso a CAPS-ad", "problemas com a justiça criminal" e "sexo feminino" com os usuários de crack desabrigados. Pouco se sabe sobre usuários de crack em contexto na região Nordeste do Brasil. Os resultados evidenciam dois subgrupos com características específicas. Enquanto os domiciliados têm acesso aos serviços de CAPS-ad e outras clínicas especializadas, os usuários em situação de rua relataram, basicamente, acesso a serviços de alimentação gratuita e redução de danos.

Abstract We compared sociodemographic characteristics, substance use patterns, sexual behavior, use of health services, and criminal records of homeless vs. domiciled users. Data are from the Brazilian National Survey on Crack Use. A discriminant model and correspondence analysis cross-compared characteristics of users according to their housing status. The logistic model revealed associations between "living in the streets" and female gender and intermittent work. "Homelessness" was also associated with the use of tobacco and "oxi" in the previous 30 days, reliance on soup kitchens, low access to public mental health services, and arrests in the previous year. Correspondence analysis highlighted the spatial proximity of the variables as follows: "having traded sex for drugs", "informal work", "age 31 years or older", "access to public mental health services", "problems with law enforcement", and female gender with homeless crack users. People who smoke crack cocaine in Northeast Brazil are seldom studied. Their profiles, stratified according to their housing conditions, show subgroups with specific characteristics. While domiciled users have access to specialized clinics, homeless users basically reported access to free food and harm reduction services.